The Slow Shadow
One night while googling kyo-machiya, I stumbled upon an old tube introducing a book “In Praise of Shadows”. Soft shadow creation through translucency of shoji screen, weak glitters reflection by gold-painted dividers, adrift floatation of cloudy miso within a darkly black lacquered bowl, voyage across deliberately and purposefully in slow train and lower-classed cabin, all these are narrated in this book, a philosophic form of oriental beautification. I desire this orientality, and early before reading even unconsciously my values, creations, livings, and thinkings are already in this form. The deliberately slow pace that I embrace in my art is not a sign of laziness or disadvantage, but rather an intentional approach that allows me to observe the world more deeply and thoughtfully. I believe small and tiny subtlety becomes only discoverable and explorable in turtled paces.
"shoji - time 時", minted

"shoji - time 時", minted

"line & shadow", instagram posted

"line & shadow", instagram posted

triangular divider
"himitsu - high wall 高牆", minted

"himitsu - high wall 高牆", minted

"told you not to run", instagram posted

"told you not to run", instagram posted

triangular divider
I am a visual artist based in Hong Kong, born in 1975. My creative practice involves using generative software and photography to create art. I began posting my photography on Instagram in 2013, where I focused on minimalistic representation and juxtaposition of architecture against silhouettic human bodies. I use generative applications to make distortion, subversion, and reformation of my photographic images. Recently, I have expanded my art practice to include abstract geometric art, which I started minting in 2022.
1975年出生於香港,我是一名跨領域藝術家,我會使用生成軟件和攝影來創作藝術作品。 2013 年開始在 IG 上載攝影作品,專注於用極簡手法來表現和並置建築物、人體、與身體的剪影,還會使用生成應用程序對攝影圖像進行扭曲、顛覆和改造。 2022 年開始鑄造抽象幾何圖象。
generative triangles, instagram posted, May 21, 2013

generative triangles, instagram posted, May 21, 2013

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